Member-led Craft Group

"We have bonded and developed meaningful friendships with one another." - group feedback
Our member-led craft group initially began as a staff led mixed craft group with Arts Resource Worker Anne. Around the beginning of the year Anne had to take some time off and we enjoyed the group so much and found it really relaxing so wanted to keep it going ourselves.
When we first took on the group, we were nervous but excited. It began as a structured skill sharing session, with one of us taking lead each week to introduce a craft or process, however over time it evolved and we began working on our own skill sets and individual projects, continuing to support one another, just in a different way.

"It’s a comfortable safe space that puts you at ease and enables trust." - group feedback
We’ve all gained skills, but we’ve also gained so much more than that. We have bonded and developed meaningful friendships with one another. It’s a comfortable safe space that puts you at ease and enables trust. It’s one of the rare spaces that if you’re feeling tearful, there’s total respect and understanding for you in that moment. We understand what one another needs and how best to support one another.

"We inspire and motivate one another to keep going and develop new skills." - group feedback
It’s great knowing you have a designated day and time every week to focus on and plan longer projects. Knowing I have a safe space to go and create helps to clear my mind at home. This group has been a huge highlight because we get so much enjoyment out of it, we love to see what everyone’s working on and often we inspire and motivate one another to keep going and develop new skills - it gives us a lot of encouragement.