Job Creation Scheme: Stacy
"This was all great experience for me and helped improve my self-confidence. I even took part in some of the volunteer-led workshops, creating Christmas and other seasonal crafts which I was able to do with my daughter at home."
"All this experience gave me the confidence to apply for a role at Citizens’ Advice Bureau once my work placement at Reachout finished, and again, with some support from Clacks Works and the Reachout staff with the application process, I am delighted to now work part time at CAB. "
I was referred to Reachout through Clacks Works as part of the Tackling Child Poverty Job Creation Scheme. I had been volunteering for Marie Curie from home, as well as volunteering for Thrive once a week which involved delivering mental health training programmes to other participants and helping them to achieve deliverable goals. However, I hadn’t worked for over 20 years so Clacks Works supported me through the application process to Reachout, including helping me prepare for the interview. I was delighted, but very nervous, when I was offered the opportunity to join Reachout on a work placement for 5 months.
To start with, I worked 8 hours a week, but that increased to 12 hours as I gained confidence in my role. The staff and members were all very friendly and welcoming, and I felt a part of the team very quickly. I supported the Finance & Governance Officer and the Senior Facilitator & Engagement Manager with basic administrative tasks in the studio, which helped improve my IT skills – updating policies on Word, creating financial spreadsheets on Excel, updating members’ details on Access, creating and booking workshop attendance on Outlook etc. I also covered the reception desk on a regular basis, answering the phone, meeting and greeting members, and handling fees and petty cash. This was all great experience for me and helped improve my self-confidence. I even took part in some of the volunteer-led workshops, creating Christmas and other seasonal crafts which I was able to do with my daughter at home.
All this experience gave me the confidence to apply for a role at Citizens’ Advice Bureau once my work placement at Reachout finished, and again, with some support from Clacks Works and the Reachout staff with the application process, I am delighted to now work part time at CAB. As well as general administration and tidying up, I answer the phones to clients and refer them to the session supervisors. I have also started advisor training too, which I never thought would have been possible a year ago. Without the experience and confidence I gained at Reachout, I don’t think I’d be in employment now.
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