Personal Growth: Hazel
"Most recently, as my confidence has grown I’ve been looking into going back to work. "
"It’s definitely been more about personal growth for me more than anything else."
"So, it’s been about a year since I started attending Reachout; it’s flew in, but I know it’s been about a year because I can remember on my first day it was a member's birthday, and their birthday has just passed.
I’ve taken part in macrame and painting sessions at Reachout and have gained so much. A little bit of my back story; I’ve got my wee girl who is 8 now but when she was 3 months old, she became quite unwell. I had to leave work and become her full-time unpaid carer. We attended lots of health appointments, more than the average new mum, and quite quickly I felt as though I lost my identity. Everyone I knew was through my daughter and everyone knew me as her mum. Coming to Reachout I’ve found myself again.
It’s provided routine, time away from the house and a space for me, where I can come down, chat to other adults who understand what having a bad day means and just be Hazel, not only my daughter’s mum. My confidence has grown, and I’ve realised that I am capable. Coming to Reachout has helped me regain my identity and boosted my confidence.
Most recently, as my confidence has grown I’ve been looking into going back to work. Coming to Reachout has helped, knowing I can come here for myself and work away, and have my phone with me if the school phone’s I can answer. Little things like that can make it difficult, make me feel nervous getting back to work.
Being responsible for designing and hanging the macrame exhibition has been a highlight for me. Having my work on display in the exhibition is only a small part of it. It reminded me of the skills I thought I had maybe lost from being out of work, but it was great to have the confidence to do it. Another highlight is having my macrame work on display in Alloa Hub, its great having the opportunity to sell my work and knowing people appreciate it.
In general, coming to Reachout is a big part of my self-care. It’s helped with my anxiety without having to work directly on it. I like to do a lot of meditation and I feel like coming down here has a similar effect on me. It’s definitely been more about personal growth for me than anything else."
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