With the local schools returning in the next couple of weeks, we’re thinking about how much we enjoyed working in partnership with Clackmannanshire primary schools. Facilitating our Creative Therapeutic Intervention for Children programme, in partnership with Psychological Services allows children aged 5 – 9 years to get creative, feel safe, nurtured, responsible and respected in line with Getting It Right For Every Child’s wellbeing indicators. Let’s take a look at some highlights of our Summer term at the #SmallButMighty Muckhart Primary. “I want to be an artist when I grow up, because I love coming to this art club.”
The inspiring young people at Muckhart Primary School used their schools’ beautiful surroundings as inspiration to get creative outdoors using nature. We created our own mark making tools after having a treasure hunt for materials in the school’s garden: painting with leaves, branches and flowers.
In a later session, we continued to work outdoors and utilise nature in our plaster cast relief works, aren’t they fab?! Not only did the young people create stunning artworks and enjoy themselves, through this programme we witnessed some great positive outcomes including a reduction in anxious behaviours, increased confidence, increased willingness to try new things and increased verbal communication.
Thank you to all the young people and staff at Muckhart Primary!